EnterpriseDB BART Configuration

Setp:1. Bart tool use pg_basebackup utility tool so we can all basebackup configuration (postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf) files.(you will try basebackup).

Normal ssh for postgresql server and backup server

Step:3. Yum install edb-bart

Step:4. bart default path :
/usr/edb/bart/bin           -----àbart tool path
/usr/edb/bart/etc           -----à configuration Path

Step:5. Go to bart configcuration path and change bart.cfg.sample file rename to bart.cfg

Step:6. edit bart.cfg file

bart_host= enterprisedb@
backup_path = /opt/backups
pg_basebackup_path = /opt/edb/as10/bin/pg_basebackup
logfile = /usr/edb/bart/bart.log
scanner_logfile = /usr/edb/bart/bart_scanner.log
thread_count = 5

host =
port = 5444
user = enterprisedb
xlog_method = stream
#wal_compression = enabled
archive_command = 'cp %p %a/%f'
cluster_owner = <cluster_owner>
description = "PPAS 96 Server"
allow_incremental_backups = enabled

you will change all folders and files in enterprisedb user

USE Backup And Recovery Tool

Step:7. Make backup
-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg BACKUP -Ft -s siva

Step:8. Show-Backups

-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg SHOW-BACKUPS  -s siva

Step:9. Show-Servers
-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg SHOW-SERVERS

Laste level you maintain this level:

Step:10. Manage
-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg MANAGE -s siva

Step:11. Check-Config
-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg CHECK-CONFIG

Step:12. Restore
./bart RESTORE -s siva -i 1551333978616 -p /zzz -w 5

Step:13. Point in Time Recovery
-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg RESTORE -s s1 -i 1551337259279 -p /yyy -g '28-FEB-19 12:35:54'
                First you run bart-scanner file in bart bin path
-bash-4.1$ ./bart-scanner -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg --daemon
And you type incremental backup command
-bash-4.1$ ./bart -c /usr/edb/bart/etc/bart.cfg BACKUP -Fp -s siva --parent 1551333978616


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